Cardholder ID Method: Your Gateway to Victory and Amazing Outcomes

When I first began my career I had the belief that card present transactions did not grant issuers chargeback rights. However, as time went on, I discovered that they do have these rights and one crucial indicator is known as the Cardholder ID Method. What is the Cardholder ID Method? So what is the Cardholder …

3DS 2.0: A Simple Strategy to Keep Fraudsters on Their Toes

The security of transactions where cards are not physically present is extremely important, in today’s world of online shopping. This is where 3DS 2.0 comes into play.. What is 3DS 2.0 and how does it enhance the security of online payments? Let’s simplify it. What’s 3DS 2.0 and why? 3DS 2.0 also known as “3 …

Visa Fraud Program: VDMP and VFMP Unveiled for Amazing Results

The security of payment systems is crucial in a society where electronic transactions are the norm. Visa, one of the largest payment networks in the world, has put into place the VDMP (Visa Dispute Monitoring Program) and VFMP (Visa Fraud Monitoring Program), two fraud programs to regulate issuers, acquirers and merchants to control fraud. Let’s …